Communication in a relationship is vital, this leads to a healthy marriage and a clear understanding between a man and a woman.

Women are built differently and have different emotions and reactions to situations. There has never been a more difficult time for a woman other than when she reaches “the change of life”. Her partner or husband deserves the right to understand what she is going through.

Talking to your husband about how you feel is imperative, he cannot ever understand how you feel or what is happening to you. Lasting relationships last when couple communicates their feelings and desires.

There are a few simple steps to take to make this happen. It is hopeless to describe your feelings or anxiety when you are upset or very tired, timing is the essence. Most men will listen and appreciate you more because you took the time to talk to him about perimenopause or menopause, and you respected his feelings enough to explain it to him.

Here are a few useful tips to help you with your communication techniques:

  • Never start a conversation about such a delicate issue when your husband has just arrived home from work.
  • Chose a time when you can both sit down and have a soft drink, coffee or tea, or even a glass of wine.
  • If you are unable to go out from your home, or you have children around, then chose an appropriate time, and not too late at night.
  • Ideally go somewhere quiet and relaxing, not at home, and a place where you can both feel comfortable and not likely to bump into your friends
  • Tell him that you want him to understand that you have a few things going on and its related to hormonal changes, and you feel he should know about it.  Remind him that you care for him, however, sometimes you may get a bit fractious or depressed.
  • Don´t talk to him about ALL the symptoms, just mention one or two, he will not be able to assimilate it all at once.
  • Mention to him that you will have a way to tell him, a code, a sign or something that means “I am feeling a bit off today” so he doesn’t take your actions personally. Rather than going to into a deep conversation about it.
  • Show your loved one a video that talks about menopause, ideally something simple and light-hearted: Men´s Guide to Menopause
  • By talking regularly about your symptoms and how you feel will enable him to support you on a better level.
  • Studies show that women who talk on a regular basis to their husbands or partners pass through the hormonal journey much easier.

talking to friends

Talking to your family, friends and work colleagues

Our relationship with friends can also be difficult when we are not in the mood to go out, meet up or join in social activities. This is a good time to explain your feelings, but remember to do something another time with them, and enjoy your time together when you feel more sociable.

  • Meet friends at a place that you feel comfortable at
  • For business meetings – make arrangements to get yourself ready early without any stress, and don´t be late.
  • If you feel unwell during an event, meeting or social gathering, don´t be afraid to say you want to go home.
  • Close female friends and colleagues will understand your issues.
  • Some women may not be so understanding and sympathetic, so bear this in mind.
  • it is wise to chat informally to them about what is going on in your life, make it light-hearted and smile.
  • Being positive is a good motivation action and shows other women how it can be overcome. Be a good example.


NATURE´S CORNER – Black Cohosh

Black Cohosh – this amazingly wild and twisted root was discovered more than a century ago. A source of one of the most useful natural medicines for women. Used to treat women´s problems, the black cohosh plant grows up to 2 and a half meters high. It is distinguished by its tall stalks and fluffy white flowers.

What is it and what it does

Traditionally Black Cohosh has been prescribed to treat menstrual problems, pain after childbirth, nervous disorders and joint pain. Today the herb is recommended primarily for the relief of the hot flushes that some women experience during menopause.

The major benefits are that Black Cohosh is becoming an increasingly popular herb to treat women´s hormone balance health issues and symptoms. Especially for vaginal dryness, hot flushes, night sweats, and other menopausal symptoms.

Black Cohosh contains phytoestrogens, plant compounds that have an effect similar to that of estrogen produced by the body. Phytoestrogens bind themselves to hormone receptors in the breasts, uterus and elsewhere in the body. Black Cohosh may ease menopausal symptoms without increasing the risk of breast cancer.

  • Eases menopausal symptoms
  • May alleviate menstrual cramps by increasing blood flow to the uterus
  • May assist the contractions pains during childbirth and after
  • Evens out “hormone levels”- ideal for women who would like to balance their hormones naturally
  • Works well in conjunction with Natural Progesterone Cream
  • Great benefits for younger women with Premenstrual Tension
  • Has shown mildly sedative and anti-inflammatory effects
  • Clears mucus from the body and is helpful for colds and pain
  • Gentle pain relief associated with neuralgia and joint pain