Period pains or cramps are very common in most women, it is estimated that 9 out of 10 women suffer from menstrual cramps each month and 6 of them need to rest or take time off work. If you have this problem then we are going to give you some useful tips.

Why do women have period pains?

Menstruation is a normal process of every woman’s body. It is the detachment of the endometrium, which has grown to prepare the “house” of the fertilized egg. In the absence of fertilization, the endometrium is expelled outside. Cleaning out of the menstrual cycle residues.

Generally, this cycle should not hurt, but sometimes there are conditions or diseases such as dysmenorrhea or endometriosis that can increase pain. The most natural thing would be to just feel a little discomfort in the lower back.

how to alleviate menstrual pain


Of course, on a psychological and emotional level, women do feel great changes. Also in physical appearance, as the belly becomes inflamed, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea may occur. Everything will depend on the woman because as we always tell you, each one is a world. One of the most common causes of pain is the hormonal imbalance that the body suffers as it goes through the menstruation cycle.

There are a few ways to help this pain

It is proven that chamomile is perfect for relieving muscle spasms, which is ultimately what causes you pain. Cinnamon can calm cramps. A mixture of both will make you feel better.

Regular exercise and gentle sport may also help women with menstrual problems and pain.

A hot water bottle on your tummy with a warm drink often helps to relax you and calm the pain.

Drink more water or at least more fluids

If you don’t like the taste of plain water, there are many things you can do to increase fluid intake. Start by drinking a glass of fruit-infused water the first thing after you get up in the morning. Sip chamomile or ginger tea. Drink flavored mineral water for a new twist on hydration. Make a large jug of cucumber, mint, or lemon water to drink throughout the day for a spa-like treat. Sip a cup of low salt broth to increase your fluid intake in the winter. Staying well-hydrated isn’t just good for cramps, it’s good for your overall health. If you can find Dong Quai then add a slice to the drinks, both hot and cold

What about the food?

What you eat may determine how bad your cramps become.

Eat to Reduce Pain – diet is the key

You may be craving fatty, sugary, or salty foods when you have your period, but these foods are not your friends. Skip the doughnuts and potato chips. Some women find that eating the right kinds of foods may help ease menstrual pain. Anti-inflammatory foods like cherries, blueberries, squash, tomatoes, and red and green peppers are good choices. Coldwater fish that is high in omega-3 fatty acids are also healthy choices.

Let’s get nutty – Eat more calcium-rich beans, almonds, and dark leafy greens. These foods contain compounds that combat inflammation. Some women report that eating this way can help ease menstrual pain and boost health. It’s best to eat a healthy, balanced diet year-round, not just for a few days a month during your period. Eat broccoli – Broccoli contains glucosinolates that push the liver to eliminate excess estrogen. If you do not like much boiled, you can grate it raw on a salad, pasta dish, or soup, for example.

Avoid These

Your dietary and lifestyle habits can either help or hurt period cramps. If you experience monthly menstrual discomfort, some women find it helpful to avoid certain foods. Skip white, refined foods including sugar, bread, and pasta. Avoid trans-fatty acids that are found most often in commercially-prepared foods like French fries, cookies, onion rings, crackers, and margarine. Ditch alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine. All of these things increase inflammation and may encourage period pain. There is some evidence to show that reducing harmful fat intake may also help relieve painful periods.

how to alleviate period pains

Vitamin D Might Relieve Menstrual Cramp Pain

During menstruation, your uterus contracts to expel its lining, a process that’s triggered by hormone-like substances called prostaglandins.

Prostaglandins are associated with both pain and inflammation, and higher levels of these substances are linked to more severe menstrual cramps.

Vitamin D not only helps to decrease the production of prostaglandins, but it also helps decrease the production of cytokines, which promote inflammation in your body.

In fact, researchers recently revealed that women with relatively low vitamin D levels and who took a 300,000 IU mega-dose of vitamin D3 had a significant reduction in menstrual cramp pain. Two months after taking the vitamin D, the women rated their pain more than 2 points lower on a scale of 1-10, and all had stopped using painkillers. On the other hand, those who had taken a placebo reported no reduction in pain, and 40 percent were still taking pain medications. The fact is that Vitamin D deficiency has a lot to do with many illnesses and often overlooked by G.P.´s. It would be a good idea to ask your doctor to include Vitamin D in your next yearly blood test.

how to alleviate menstrual pain. John Lee

ProgesterAll Balancing Cream

As we mentioned above, the hormonal imbalance to which our body is subjected when we have menstruation causes us discomfort and discomfort. ProgesterAll cream, applied in its proper measure, can return hormones to their appropriate levels and relieve menstrual cramps. ProgesterAll Balancing Cream is a natural calming cream, you will certainly notice the difference when your periods come round.

Other ideas that will help you

Give yourself a massage – Massaging the pain area can relieve it. You just have to push the area gently with both hands making circular movements that relieve you.

Avoid sugar –  Yes, we already know that these days it is when you most like sugar, but the effect it does is ephemeral. You will feel very energized at the moment, but soon you will be worse than before. Cut down on refined sugars! the odd piece of chocolate on the other hand may make you feel better.

If you follow these tips, you can also relieve menstrual cramps! Remember that hormonal balance is essential to ensure that you feel good.