Garlic is know to be the supreme herbal remedy, but in some circles it is not considered the ideal condiment, why? Usually it is due to the strong odour that takes place in your breathe after eating it.

Garlic is a herb which nowadays the average British family does not make much use of, or accept, either as a food or for its medicinal powers.

About 100 years ago Garlic played a prominent part in our kitchens and was widely used by doctors and herbalists alike. Members of the medical profession and Nature Cure practioners, one and all, proclaimed garlic to have miraculous healing powers. Together with many other fine  herbs, such as parsley, it could be seen growing in gardens everywhere.

Some may think that garlic is a good produced mainly in warmer countries, and fit only for the inhabitants of such lands. This herb can, of course be cultivated in the southern parts of countries where a milder climate exists, with fairly good results if planted early on in a sunny site and allowed a long growing period. Have you tried to grow it yet? Take a few bulbs and bury them in shallow good peat soil about 10cms apart, and they will sprout within a few weeks. Water every 3 days in warm weather, and once a week in winter.

garlic and parsley

How to use garlic

Chop finely to add to tomato salads with parsley and coriander. Slice to put in soups and pasta dishes. Always remember it cooks very quickly so if you fry it with onions, use a low heat and deep olive oil, not a brush stroke of oil. Then drain off the oil. Garlic cloves may be added whole into lentil dishes and red beans, chick peas or other stews. Remember to remove the skin before you mix it, if you are going to make a puree of any kind.

Try to be more adventurous in your cooking, you will soon be accustomed to adding garlic to many dishes. Garlic is an excellent healthy option to add to food and a natural antiseptic and antibiotic. This does not mean you can replace medication with garlic, however, garlic does keep you fit and healthy.

dr mercola

Our resident health specialist Doctor Jose Mercola

What are your favourite grains and legumes? Many people have turned to a vegetarian or vegan diet, for personal reasons, health reasons or because they just like that way of eating. Dr. Mercola covers a wide variety of grains and legumes for us to consider. Why not check them out and try some. Don´t forget to add garlic to your dishes