The more energy we have, the more we do and the happier we feel. So how do you energise your life?

Energy is our fuel, we need it to get up in the morning, to get through the day and to relax. To keep up your energy levels, you need to be in good health and lead an active life.

This means not only eating well, getting enough sleep and taking regular exercise, but recognising that even common ailments can leave you below par.


energise yourself


Eat for Energy

The energy we need to survive comes from the food we eat. Carbohydrate, fat, and protein are stored in the liver and muscles in the form of glycogen until your body needs to use them.

If you eat the wrong foods or eat too much or too little, you can upset the process by depleting the body of glycogen. As a result, physical and mention performance suffer.

Beat Fatigue

A diet that is high in processed foods or low in essential calories or minerals, especially iron and zinc, can result in fatigue and help you to energise your life.

Indeed, one of the most common causes of tiredness – anemia- is due to lack of iron, which is needed to make hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying component of blood. Iron is found in meat, beans, lentils, oatmeal, nuts, seeds, and fruit such as apricots and dried fruits.

Food for life

  • Choose the freshest food you can find – east fresh vegetables above all false, either raw, lightly cooked or steamed
  • Always buy organic fruit and vegetables when you find them.
  • Try organic meat and chicken – they often taste better and will energise your life
  • Eat only whole grain cereals, bread, pasta, and crackers, without added sugar or chemicals.
  • Eat two or three tablespoons of cold-pressed flaxseed oil or three-six tablespoons of raw linseeds mixed into your breakfast yogurt or on your salad to ensure you get essential fatty acids.
  • Eat live yogurt and naturally fermented cheeses as well as free-range eggs.

energise your life











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