Understanding depression during menopause

Understanding depression during menopause

Depression during menopause is a complex interplay of biological, psychological, and social factors. Understanding the potential causes and recognizing the symptoms early can lead to effective management and treatment. Women going through menopause should feel...
Anxiety during menopause – is it real?

Anxiety during menopause – is it real?

Menopause marks a significant transition in a woman’s life, often accompanied by a range of physical and psychological changes. Anxiety is a common symptom experienced during this phase, impacting the well-being and quality of life of many women. Here, we delve...
Make-up for menopausal women

Make-up for menopausal women

Make up for menopausal women is very important. This is the time of our lives when we want to look our best but when we feel a little down, the next best thing is a little make up! Let learn about make up – how did it all begin? Well the Egyptians were the first...
Ginger and the benefits of using it regularly

Ginger and the benefits of using it regularly

Do you like ginger and do you know the benefits of using it regularly? Ginger has a very long history of use in various forms of traditional and alternative medicine. It’s been used to aid digestion, reduce nausea, and help fight the flu and common cold, to name a few...
Are you really taking care of yourself?

Are you really taking care of yourself?

Are you really taking care of yourself? We often think we are, but then we read an article and ask ourselves “why do I do the opposite” ? why don´t I feel like that at my age? Well  here are a few tips and guide lines that are for the “little bit...