Is Black Cohosh good for menopause symptoms? Menopause entails a series of symptoms that can make life difficult for us, or at the very least, create discomfort for us on a day-to-day basis. Well, there are certain natural remedies that help us relieve them and feel better, such as Black Cohosh. If you have not yet heard of this almost miraculous ingredient, we are going to tell you everything you need in this article.

What is Black Cohosh?

Its scientific name is Actae racemosa or Cimicifuga racemosa. Its origin is in North America, especially in Tennessee and Missouri. However, due to the multiple benefits that this plant has shown, it is no longer only found in the area, but has been cultivated in many other places around the world.

Apparently, the ancient Indians already used it in various gynecological procedures. By the 19th century, it had already been included in traditional medicine in order to alleviate the effects of amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea and pain after childbirth.

It is at the root, black in color – hence its name – where we find its many properties for women.

The Benefits of Black Cohosh for women in Menopause

One of the great characteristics of Black Cohosh is that it is rich in phenolic components such as caffeic acid, caffeic metal, black cohosh and much more. All of them affect the state of the woman, especially in the movement of her hormones.

Many studies have shown its effectiveness in reducing and even eliminating the symptoms of menopause. One of them, however, indicated to discover the results of this plant in the treatment of menopausal symptoms, was carried out on 483 menopausal women for three months. They received a daily dose at that time and the results were that 77% of them improved hot flashes, while 78% reduced the dose of sweating caused by menopause.

Keep in mind that, despite being a natural ingredient, Black Cohosh can cause side effects, although these are mild. Some of them are nausea, stomach bags, spots or bleeding outside the menstrual cycle or muscle pain, among others. In the event that you take Black Cohosh and notice one or more of these symptoms, contact your doctor without delay. Its use is also not recommended in pregnant women or those suffering from liver problems.

Black Cohosh is easy to find online and is very affordable. Although no prescription is needed, we always recommend that before taking a supplement, even if it is natural, you consult your doctor first.

Black Cohosh combined with Natural Progesterone Cream is a great way to balance your hormones, not only that it is the most natural way.

What kind of symptoms do women suffer from during menopause? Find out more…….

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